Brief historical overview
Before 1984, when a nameserver was first created, there were no domain names at that time. But only numbers like: http: //, this was the only way to find a website. Imagine if there were such numbers on your business card it would be a real horror.
Then in 1985 domain names with extensions like .COM, .NET, .ORG came to life. And today with these extensions there are millions of websites and their number continues to grow day by day.
A domain name costs around 10 €a year, but there are also premium domains that can go up to € 20,000 or even more. On this link you can find a list of the most expensive domains in history.
Why should i find a .COM extension for my website?
52% of all websites in the world are with the .COM suffix except for the websites of governments, faculties, organizations etc (which choose .ORG, .UNI etc). The .COM suffix is usually chosen above all other suffixes because .COM means Company. Most people choose .COM because it is the most popular and not that they know its meaning.
What if my website can’t have the .COM extension?
Then try another alternative to your site name, for example add a minus sign like or You can also choose a website name based on the product you offer even if your firm does not have that name. If you are worried about the name of the company you don’t have to, because later on you can still choose any domain you want and redirect the previous domain to the new one. For example HOSTINGKOSOVA.COM will redirect you to POROSITWEB.COM. Try it!
What if there is no free domain with the .COM extension ?
Should I use .NET?
If you have to use the name that you have embedded in your head and can’t find with the .COM extension, you can also choose the .NET extension. These extensions are usually used by technology-related companies since .NET = NETwork or interNET.
But you can’t choose instead of because .NET and meat have nothing to do with technology or anything like that.
Should I use .ORG?
If you are some kind of governmental or non-governmental, profit or not -profit organization, then the best extension for your website would be .ORG. This type of suffix can be chosen by everyone but it is not recommended for different enterprises or companies, otherwise what would the domain mean!
Should I use .INFO?
Suppose that the domain represents nothing but meat information then you can use the .INFO suffix.
In addition to the extensions we mentioned, there are hundreds of other popular extensions such as: .BIZ, .NAME, .TV, .ME, etc.